Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ulcerative Colitis Case Study- Cellular Healing Diet

Another day feeling great. I'm so thankful! I've been watching Dr. Pompa's videos on the Cellular Healing diet and it's amazing. There are so many things people need to know about the food they eat!

I mailed in my urine test to test for mercury toxicity. Dr. Jen thinks I probably have chronic mercury poisoning from my mother's womb (she had many amalgram fillings) and my 6 amalgram fillings. So, we'll see what the test results are in about a week.

I did the VCS (Visual Contrast Sensitivity) test and it was negative- which means I tested negative for biotoxins (mold or lyme's disease).

It's important to note that mercury toxicity messes up the communication between your hypothalamus and the rest of your body, resulting in major hormone issues as well. I thought I had adrenal exhaustion at one point. I have progesterone production issues also, hence, the 4 miscarriages I've had. I'm really interested to see the test results. If I am mercury toxic, then I would get on a chelator that actually binds to the mercury in the fat (mercury LOVES fat, especially brain fat) and that would pull out the mercury in my body over time. I also would need to get my alamgram fillings removed- but this can only be done once I've prepared my body (excretory pathways) to eliminate the mercury properly. I will need to be on a 3-6 month protocol before I can get my amalgams out to make sure that my body doesn't go over the edge.

Anyways. All is well, just keep plugging away. My digestion still isn't where it needs to be, but it's much better.

I'm still taking my regular supplements and l-glutamine.

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