Friday, March 19, 2010

Cellular Healing Diet Brownie Recipe!

I made it!!!

Today was 6 weeks on the Cellular Healing Diet and I feel WONDERFUL. I don't miss carbs, except Ryan and I went to a movie tonight and I smelled the popcorn and wanted some. But I reminded myself that the fake butter wouldn't go over well.

I wanted to share my brownie recipe again because it rocks and it's super easy!!!

6 T flaxseed meal + 1 c of water and let sit for 2 minutes for it to gel----(or use 6 eggs)
1/3 c butter or coconut oil
1/2 c cocoa powder
1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 c Xylitol
1/2 c coconut flour

Melt butter on low and add cocoa powder. Add Xylitol and vanilla to flaxseed meal or eggs.
Add the cocoa mixture. Add the coconut flour. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Let cool for at least 20 minutes. Brownies are chewy!!

This is so easy to make and Ryan and Asher LOVE them! What a treat! My plan is to try some yummy muffins tomorrow.

My digestion is still OK, not awesome yet, but it's taken me 16 years to get here. I'm still chugging along.

I'm on a probiotic, curcumin (to reactive GSSH to GSH-- oxidated glutathione into reduced or usable glutathione), GABA (to calm down my body's anxiety that comes with ulcerative colitis).

We did a Tanita test today and I found out I was 28.7% body fat. I should be 18-25% body fat. My BMI was 24.6 so just on the cusp of being labeled "overweight." I will continue to do Burst Training (10 minutes 2-3x/week) and continue following the Cellular Healing Diet.

I just want to be healthy. I am committed to being healthy so that I can be energetic for Ryan and Asher. I will NEVER give up on that. In following my mission to get healthy, I am committed to helping others find their health as well. That's my mission bottom line. I know for most people, our Office is the "last resort" when they've tried everything else to get well- BUT, our goal is to be the first choice for healthcare. Getting rid of the root of the problem with disease. INFLAMMATION. Your body can heal itself and we can guide you there. We don't claim anything, we just move the interference from your body and let YOU do the work.

Let's press on today. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy today.

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