Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cellular Healing Diet Case Study- Day 42 CytoCleanse

I started CytoCleanse yesterday. The CytoClear is designed to actually clean out your cells at the cellular level. The CytoCatch is designed to bind up the toxins in the bile so it doesn't recirculate through your body once they are pulled from the body.
I started the ultracleanse where you take 4 capsules 2x/day of CytoClear and 8 capsules of CytoCatch right before bed. I had diarrhea this morning so I was told to back off and cut back the capsule count, but I actually had a NORMAL BM this afternoon. Holy crap!!

So, I will continue to take CytoClear and CytoCatch to detox my body.

I also got my urine porphyrin test back today. It looks as though I have slight mercury toxicity that is affecting my body's physiology. We will find out tomorrow from the French lab what my test actually means. I was surprised the levels weren't higher, but I'm so grateful that they are minimal as Asher probably has minimal if any mercury in his body from being in my womb.

I'm feeling like I have more energy, but I do feel a little brain foggy. I made coconut bread and peanut butter cookies today. I also made chili for dinner. I do not put beans in my chili and only put a 120z jar of salsa from Trader Joes in it. I eat the chili with goat cheese on it along with coconut bread since it's similar to a corn bread. Yummy!

If you are interested in the CytoCleanse email me at: and I will let you know how you can purchase it through our office. You can visit our website here.

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