Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cellular Healing Diet- 83 Days and Counting

I've been feeling amazing with this lifestyle change. It's been awhile since I've posted and I'm sorry! I've been feeling so good that I'm rarely in the house or at the computer when I'm home. I've been keeping track of everything in my planner.

The CytoCleanse is AMAZING and you can purchase this cellular cleanse product through our office.

The ulcerative colitis symptoms have almost completely subsided. When I'm close to my cycle, I get bloated, gas, and diarrhea. Dr. Jen thinks it's because of my changing hormones. Now we are working on that aspect of things. In June, I will get another food allergy test and see if I'm not allergic to wheat, dairy, almonds, and soy. I can live without all those foods anyways, but it would be nice to be able to eat almonds.

The latest recipe I've done is chocolate covered pecans and walnuts. YUMMY!
My husband can't keep his hands off of this treat. I've also been making pita chips by using garbanzo bean flour and tapioca flour. I've been finding great deals on bulk items online.

The next time I make my waffles, I'll take pictures and get the recipe on here. I usually put strawberry or blueberry topping on these--- sugar free of course!

One new item I've been doing is brewing my own Kombucha! I'll get a picture of my own alien posted on here so you can see it!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back! I'd love to see your waffle recipe for my husband
