Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ulcerative Colitis and The Cellular Healing Diet- Day 55

I've been feeling OK. But my cycle is to be here now, so my digestion has been iffy (diarrhea, bloating, etc.) I'm still having some blood in my stool and loose stool at that. I've been limiting my nut intake and stopped consuming raw vegetables. I saute' them instead and it's quite yummy! The cellular healing diet is going great and I plan to stay on the Advanced version the rest of my life!

I've been having more energy still. My hair is still thick and it's getting long! (I lost 2/3's of it in my early 20's). My fingernails aren't super thin and they don't have ridges in them. I've been able to be patient and not bite off Ryan's head!

I made cheese cake with blackberry topping for Easter. Ryan ate most of it! It has no sugar in it and it tasted AMAZING (or so I'm told). I will get the recipe on here maybe, but the office I work at is compiling recipes that are compatible with the Cellular Healing Diet.

I think I'll post later tonight or tomorrow about how my kombucha is coming along. It smells yummy and looks like it's supposed to!

I am still on CytoCleanse and doing ok, I discontinued it for a few days b/c of the diarrhea I was having, but our bodies do what they need to do to get the toxins out. I'm drinking so much water you think I'd be swimming in it!

Click HERE if you want to learn more about how YOU can get CytoCleanse or need more information on how our office can help you get your health back!!

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